Thursday, March 27, 2008

Fairfield Santa Clara - disgust

It amazes me the greed that developers can have or should I say cities? It's hard to say what came first the developer or the city council? Chicken or the egg scenario though sometimes I think it is a case of them both lining their own pockets and sometimes being one of the same thing.

Tonight I got a letter from the Fairfield group who are going to develop the old Kaiser location on Kiely & Kaiser Drive. There are plans to develop over 800 residential buildings - apartments, townhomes, town houses and houses! Clearly 280 of them are for sale and it looks like the rest are for rent! Charming a Ghetto in our own neighborhood and clearly no decisions made about environmental impact on schools, parks and traffic. Let us not forget the poor brown owl or the ground squirrel - how will they survive?

I recommend if you live near this proposed project, which seemed to have been bulldozed through Santa Clara council you get involved - here is a good link to some concerned citizens

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