Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Boxing Day Dec 26th

Boxing day in Australia is a public holiday - here in the US it's not necessarily a day the American's take off or if they do they primarily use it to go bargain shopping.

Perhaps even this time of year could be used by a smart house hunter as a way of picking up a bargain. After all it is widely thought by agents that if a home owner is on the market during the holiday season that they are in need of selling. Traditionally during this time of the year the market slows up and the stats indicate that there is less on the market for sale. So if you are a home owner and you have your property on the market you must therefore be one of two things, desperate to sell or needing to move out of the area to another area - or desperate to sell! Of course you could also be taking advantage of the fact that even during the winter / holiday months there are buyers who need somewhere to move.

Let us not forget at all times there is someone who, is moving companies, separating, divorcing, downsizing, upgrading whatever. Even in a slower market the truth is that normal aspects of life affect us all and as such there is always someone looking for a new home.

Or perhaps you are spending this day unpacking those moving boxes and in which case it really is a Box Day for you!

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