Monday, February 5, 2007

Silicon Valley still the hot spot in CA

According to the lastest statistics given out by CAR (California Association of Realtors) it doesn't matter what you think Silicon Valley is still leading the way in property prices.

Most other parts of the State have been hit by a slump and most other parts are seeing either more property on the market or longer days on market BUT good old Silicon Valley has it's own style of doing things.

As I said at the start of the year Silicon Valley has been busy. Prices in most areas with good school districts are still high. Multiple offers are being seen in these areas. The inventory is low compared to the end of last year and compared to the rest of the State. This means competition is high.

You might ask why? Why because at any given time in a normal market there are always being buying and selling. Why? Why not, people still get married, still get divorced, still die, still move out of the State, still get promotions, still ......

life goes on and here in the Valley we know how to bounce back and that we have this year so far. The market is strong - okay it's not 2000 but it's bouncing along very nicely.

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